Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, Monday

What a weekend! My sister's baby shower was beautiful, and while I cant pinpoint any one thing that I learned from the weekend, I will say that I practiced not running things, and practiced patience and tolerance. I'm still learning how to be a guest, I suppose. I have always been the leader, and the one everyone looks to when something needs to get done. But I am getting much better at not having to be in charge, and getting better at not feeling 'lazy' or 'worthless' if I don't have a lead role in a certain function. Maybe I'm finally past the age where I'm trying to prove something.

So here it is Monday and everyone's went back to school and back to work, and I am measuring my strength today. Not my physical strength (which is LOW) but my mental strength. There is so much potential and so many opportunities, so the challenge lies in the focus and the follow through. It is time to review something very important that was taught to me through the Girl Scouts, but I'm sure has been taught in many corporate classrooms around the world... SMART goals.

S = Specific
M = Measureable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely/Time it

In going back to these goals, I will be able to find my focus. Perhaps the biggest thing that I am missing is a calendar - I need a timeline, I need meetings and deadlines. Tonight I am putting my SMART goals on paper, and on the calendar. I've learned this lesson, now it's time to put it into practice. Wish me luck....

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